Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Libraries are . . . essential to the functioning of a democratic society . . .libraries are the great symbols of the freedom of the mind.- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our public libraries are one thing that makes me proud to live in America!  Libraries provide everyone - everyone! - with free access to information and books, services to help them learn and grow as people, and fun programs for kids and adults alike.

Several students have been taking advantage of this wonderful service by visiting the Jesse Smith Library to get a jump on our Week 5 Library Challenge.  Here are some of their stories:

Jackson L. from SFE says: 

My trip to the library was fun. I got my own library card from the library. The Librarian that got me my card was very nice. We got to look at new books. I even got a pencil that says “I love Jesse Smith Library” and I got a reading log that says “every hero has a story”. I learned I could return my library books even to a Providence library or any in the state, but Jesse Smith is closer. I rode the elevator to the second floor. We found Ms. Robin, did you know there was two Ms. Robins that work at the library. Anyway, Ms. Robin showed us around and then helped me look for the books that I checked out from the library. It took like a second the check out my books. The librarian said the requirement was to return the books by July 15th, that’s 3 weeks. I checked out “Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Cracker” by Cynthia Rylant; “A Fly Went By” by Mike McClintock; and I got “Frog and Toad Are Friends” by Arnold Lobel. That was the most fun library of all, except when I went there in 1st grade. I look forward to my next visit in three weeks. 

Alex V. from WLC says: 

I went to the library with my Nannie and my brother. I was able to show my Nannie around since she had never been there before. I showed her that the library had an elevator so she didn't have to use the stairs. I also showed her that there was a Lego Club there. I have joined the Lego Club in the past and I had made a cowboy saloon. I am looking forward to doing the Lego Club again this summer. I am thinking of making a house on fire and the firemen are coming to help the people out of the house. I love Legos and I was able to find the," Lego ideas Book", so I can build what I want. I was able to check out my book with my library card and the librarian was very nice to me. I am looking forward to going back again.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

It's summer reading time!

What a perfect day to start my summer reading.  I am reading El Deafo by CeCe Bell.  So far it is such a heartwarming story with some funny parts and some sad parts.  Most surprisingly, it is a graphic novel!  I'll let you know when I'm done.  Happy reading!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week 1 Writing Challenge

Here are a few samples of how you might choose to answer. Please fill out the form and click on the submit button.


I think I'll be reading realistic fiction a lot this summer, because that's the kind of books I usually like. I like to read stories that remind me of people I might know in my life. Sometimes I can connect better if the people seem like people I relate to in my everyday life.


This summer I would like to read fantasy. I like reading about things that don't really happen, like talking dragons and magic. It takes me on an adventure right in my own home!

Week 2 Computer Challenge

Here's a sample of a slideshow. Share yours with us, if you can.We'll add your google slideshows to the blog, if you send them to us during the summer.

Week 3 Acting Challenge

Turn a book or a scene from a book into a play. Try acting it out with your friends! Share your script or write about your experience.  See the sample below the form for ideas and script formatting!


      I decided to turn The Duckling Gets a Cookie?! by Mo Willems into a play.  I chose it because the whole book was told in conversation, so it would be easy to act out PLUS I think it is funny.  I wrote stage directions based on the illustrations.  I had a Pigeon costume from Reading Week last year, and I asked my friend to play The Duckling.  We made a cookie out of paper to use as a prop.  We performed the play for a small audience, including my mom and dad.  We tried to memorize our lines, but I forgot a few and had to look at the script.  In the end, I think the play was very funny because the book was funny to begin with and the audience enjoyed it!

The Duckling Gets a Cookie?!: The Play

The Duckling, who wants a cookie
The Pigeon, who also wants a cookie

[The Duckling walks onto stage]

Duckling: Hello!  May I have a cookie, please?

[A cookie is thrown to him from off stage]

Duckling: Oh!  Thanks!  That was very nice of you! Oh! [looks at the cookie] Look at all those nuts.

[The Pigeon runs onto stage]
Pigeon: Hey! How did you get that cookie?! [folds arms and glares]

Duckling: I asked for it.

Pigeon: You asked for it...

Duckling: Politely.

Pigeon: Say, does that cookie have nuts?

Duckling: Yes.

Pigeon: So, you got a cookie with nuts just by asking?!

Duckling: Politely

Pigeon:  I ask for things ALL THE TIME! 

[Pigeon goes to the center of the stage]

Pigeon: I ask to drive the bus!  I ask for hot dog parties!  Do I ask for candy?  I do.  It doesn't have to be a big bus, you know...  I'll ask for a "French Fry Robot" every now and then.  I've asked for a walrus!  Right now, I'm asking, "Why?"  [jumping around like crazy] Why?  Why?  WHY?  [puts hands on hips] Ohhh...there's more!  Sometimes I ask for a hug.  Or I'll ask for one more story!  I can't count the times I've asked for my own personal iceberg.  I ask to stay up late!  Oh yeah, I'm the asking-est pigeon in town!  

But do I get what I ask for?

[really freaking out now]


[sits down and crosses arms, pouting]

It's not fair.  Ducklings get everything!  Pigeons like cookies, too!  Especially with nuts.  WHY DID YOU GET THAT COOKIE?!

Duckling: So I could give it go you.  

Pigeon: And ANOTHER THING - hubba- wha?!?  You're giving me that cookie?  

Duckling: With the nuts.

Pigeon: That is so...nice!  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

[eating the cookie and walking off stage]

Mmmm....!  [chomp]  That is one cool duckling.  [chomp].  Yes, sirt!

Duckling: [waves after the pigeon]  Bye!  May I have another cookie, please?  [puts hands on hips] But this time, no nuts.